Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Many Possibilities, Many Realities?

Somewhere in between the 'many worlds' view of, say, David Deutsch, and the idea of a single collapse of the quantum wave function lies my view of the fabric of reality, in which I will elaborate on here.  My gut level feelings were very attuned to the historic story I learned about in the book, "Symmetry and the Monster" by Mark Ronan.  It helped me to get an intuitive feel for abstract possibility spaces in a large orderly base system, such as the Monster or E8. By "possibility spaces", I mean the higher order graph theoretic pathways or even just straight forward random walk pathways that can exist using the confines or "rules" of the nodal relationships of the base system.  It seems that with a large enough base system, all the possible paths and combinations to produce a 'many world's set of possible realities does exist but only as possible "realities", not "realities". 

I believe everything in the universe is purely abstract information, and the highest order emergent systems are consciousnesses.  By applying a fundamental of evolution and self-guided evolution to consciousness itself, once it emerges on a planet, I see it expanding indefinitely.  I see the possibility for many subtle consciousnesses different than how ours (humans) works, and even a type of planetary intelligence, like Gia.  Somewhere in the system over all of spacetime, there would exist a consciousness which is the highest level emergent system of all.  Chances are, this relates to nodes or the amount of base information available to compute itself into existence. For example, the possible pathways available for computing a consciousness in, say, a triangle are less than the intelligence that can emerge when confined to the nodal pathways of E8.  But the largest possible "nodal" set in the universe would be the universe itself across all of spacetime.  And here, I'm not talking about the nodal set of just a symmetric abstract geometric object, like the Monster.  I'm also talking about the set of higher order graph theoretic observed sets emerging from the nodal pathways taken by every other "observer based" information system.  That would be an enormous base information set from which a collective intelligence could emerge. 

So in my view, this highest consciousness is the best candidate for the "substrate" in which the simplest informational objects and algorithms exist.  The simplest abstract objects would be equilateral triangles or even just points.  And these would exist within this collective consciousness in much the same way that you can think of a triangle now and it exists in some abstract thought space.  So it's like the snake eating its tail. The simplest objects, such as the hyper diamond lattice, E8 or an equilateral triangle or tetrahedron are the "tail".  The collective consciousness is the head.  The tail exists within the head but the head itself is an emergent information system that results from the higher order combinatorial information systems that emerge from the tail (the triangles and point like viewing vectors) up to progressively higher order emergent systems. All systems are embedded within one another and influence one another.

Now let's talk about what "is" and "is not" in terms of "reality".  Let's say that before us there exists a 2 x 2 square grid. And you and I, two conscious beings, agree to each observe or imagine a unique pathway that uses each square once.  There are 16 choices in this possibility space.  We each observe one possibility from the 16.  So two realities exist.  In my example, I'm relating reality to one of the axioms that I have at the core of our model, "All that exists is that which is seen".  The simplest seer is the unit of quantized collective consciousness, the viewing vector, which makes co-orchestrated vector choices with the rest of the viewing vectors to form harmonious higher order pattern through the possibility space. 

Now, every human is a higher order seer living on top of an ocean of lower order seers starting with the viewing vectors.  And every human is observing his/her own unique reality or world.  But we're connected and act like a neural network across many humans, like the invisible world wide web global connectivity.  So we're operating both individually in some sense and as a whole in another.  Therefore some of us have very similar realities.  For example, if we were both in the same room, the two of us could navigate through nearly identical reality pathways (assuming a different reality in each Planck moment) by agreement.  But could it be more "scifi" than that? Could the world divide into generally two interesting path groups, where many minds navigate through nearly identical realties by subconscious agreement?  Nothing stays the same.  Socially, things either get a little better or a little worse.  Let's imagine that the world is divided into generally two opinions, those who want to subconsciously navigate through possibility spaces that have turmoil and those Age of Aquarius type folks, who want to navigate into a more utopian set of possibilities.  Again, no two individuals will ever navigate the exact same path through reality space. But these days, we have this tremendous potential for change maybe due to technology or maybe due to an underlying thing like astrology theories.  Or maybe to ideas like Carl Jung, where members of the human species are polarizing into two collective mind camps. They're choosing sides as they coordinate their world views via media and email, etc.  They're forming their expectations and imaginations to choose which group path to take. The Hopi psychic seers envisioned a fork in the road (around now?) of these two pathways. 

My 11 year old son had a psychic experience once where he saw a vision of the Earth splitting into two Earths, like the mitosis of a cell. This is a wild idea. But, if this all is like a sort of group dream, where we don't know we're dreaming as we create this reality and where each individual's dream is similar to the group average dream, then maybe we will create two general styles of group dream, a fun one and a less fun one.  As I said, I think what's happening now is a polarization event, where people are starting to coalesce into groups of the Aquarius reality type and the Apocalypse reality type.  And following the Axiom, "All that exist is that which is seen", these two general reality types will literally exist because they are observed path types in possibility space.  If so, this will be very analogous to my son seeing one Earth become two.  The Age of Aquarius type reality sets will have a very different interrelation or feedback loop with the minds that created it versus the relationship between the Apocalypse reality sets and the seers that create it. The former could be said to be more multidimensional and exist with more harmony and synergy.  More net information will exist, due to the principals of harmony and synergy (simple mathematics).  So like the New Age folks say, it will exist at a higher vibratory level, I suppose. 

This is like the Enoch story.  We will literally go to a different group reality.  In fact, we're all constantly going to different group realities and individual realities. But the polarization of the iron filings will start to look more extreme until perhaps we could even physically not be represented in the Apocalyptic reality.  It would be like we left "that" world.

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