Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Our Past, Present and Future Always Exist Across Space-Time

Here's an idea that you might find thought provoking:

If we could explain for a layperson exactly what mind blowing revelation that Einstein gave the world and is most famous among scientists for, it would go like this:

Einstein proved that the future literally exists now.  And he showed that the past continues to exist.  Space-time is like a loaf of bread where each slice is a different still freeze frame of the universe.  The whole loaf exists now, but we are observing our way through just one slice at a time, so it seems to us like the slices ahead of us do not exist yet.  Einstein also proved that time travel is possible (although he didn't believe likely).  He and his collaborators developed the concept of the wormhole.  There are no theoretical physicists today who would dare to say that the future does not exist now.  They will admit that reality exists all at once across all times.  It's more similar to a DVD of a movie, where you can skip to chapter 11 and it will seem as if the characters are really moving in real time and that their future and past also do not exist.  But of course, it's just a DVD, so your knowledge tells you that their future and past do exit on the DVD.  But a primitive man of 120 years ago would be convinced that he is peering through a strange window that you have shown him so you can spy on people in real time.

So what is so very profound and interesting about this discover of Einstein?

Well, now combine the ideas of Ray Kurtzweil, who believes that in less than one more generation, we will actually have the power of StarTrek technology and beyond, since that show is so old and didn't even predict key technologies we already have.  Specifically, in 40 years, Moors' law could increase computer processing capacity 3.2 million times past the level where it's at now.  Let's say a new consumer CPU today computes at 3 Ghz per second.  3.2 million times that level is just mindboggling.  Will Moors' law hold?  It doesn't matter because it can slow down and still be mindboggling.  And it's not just computer capacity that is behaving exponentially.  The exchange of information in science and the rate of new inventions and scientific discoveries are behaving similarly. 

Now, one of the most intriguing ideas of StarTrek level technology in our lifetimes is the inevitable merging of synthetic creativity, intelligence and learning with our biological intelligence, leaving evolution in the dust.

Another realistic idea is the fact that an entire human mind and awareness can conceivably be transmitted digitally from one location to the next at the speed of light and then reconstituted molecularly.  Does this seem farfetched for us?  Yes, but not as farfetched for a 20 year old nanotechnology and mathematics PhD candidate. And of course, for us it's less farfetched than it would be for our parents.  And it will be less farfetched 10 years from now, that's for sure.

So why bring this up?  Well, because once you can move a mind at the speed of light, like I'm talking about, you are literally changing that mind's position in time, not just space.  That's the mindboggling thing Einstein proved about space-time.  How about faster than light travel?  Well, there's a well known and completely unexplained phenomena in physics experiments called particle coupling.  Basically what happens is that a particle that is coupled with its partner behaves in tandem with that partner, regardless of the distance between them.  I'll use a macro scale example to make it more simple.  Let's say that my watch is a particle and I synchronize it with your watch.  Now let's say that I move your watch to the next galaxy and I change the time on my watch from, say, 12 pm to 3 pm.  According to well confirmed experiments, your watch would simultaneously change to 3 pm.  This doesn't occur at the speed of light, though, it's instant!  It's as though the two watches are communicating instantly, like they're the same watch.  The most well agreed upon theories on how this could be possible say that space-time is not as "local" as we are led to believe by our senses and logic.   As a side analogy, remember the movie The Matrix?  When Neo was fighting  Morpheous in the training simulator at a distance of two feet away from the fists of Morpheous, how much actual space was there?  Of course zero.  It didn’t' exist.  Or did it?  Was anything there at all?  Of course there was.  There was the INFORMATION of two feet between Neo's face and Morpheous' fist.  And that information is completely 100% real.  In fact, some physicists, like MIT professor Max Tegmark believe that the universe is actually made of information, i.e., mathematics, and that there is no magic stuff of "energy" or "space".   He says mathematics doesn't describe space and energy.  It is space and energy.  This is our belief too, and it's held by many other heavy weights besides Prof Tegmark.

Your future literally exists now.  You don't know how to access it and neither do we.  But there is a hyper-intelligence-augmented or at least wiser and older version of you that literally exists in the universe across this space-time continuum of Einstein, if you don't die tomorrow. 

We believe that the undiscovered solution to what really lies at the heart of quantum physics and the true fabric of reality will reveal a completely scientific explanation for well documented phenomena of remote viewing (the CIA admitted to using it), telepathy, the 100th Monkey Effect phenomena, etc.  The published studies on this stuff in well respected journals is voluminous.  These studies verify the existence of psychic phenomena but of course don't offer any explanations on how it could possibly work.  That is the job of quantum physics.  But physicists need not attack the problem of explaining the phenomena directly.  Our species simply needs to discover exactly what the deepest fabric of realty really is and how it works.  The answer to some of these seemingly spooky questions will simply come out in the process and will no longer be voodoo.

Here's a provocative question:  If it turns out that the universe is made of information and not some magic "stuff" of space or energy, then can information be destroyed?  It turns out that information cannot be destroyed.  For example, the original 1950's broadcasts of I Love Lucy are still transmitting in 100% original fidelity about 50 light years away from us now.  As discussed, the future and the past exist concurrently with what we call the present.  So those units of space-time cannot be destroyed.  Now, here in what you call your present, there's a high level set of dynamic information that we call "the mind of (insert your name - yes you, the reader)".  That information group is what you call your consciousness.  But how does your consciousness at this instant right now connect through space-time to your consciousness two minutes or two decades from now?  Space-time is connected, that's not voodoo science.  But is there a coherent system of consciousness of You that exists across space-time and is made in part from some of the dynamic systems that you continue to call your "now" then a moment later you call your "past"?  It is logical that there could be a synthesis of these different "nows" in the information-sphere of space-time?   And if "networked" higher aspect of your consciousness could exist over multiple units of space-time as a sort of super-consciousness, what would it be like?  Is it smarter than the one you're familiar with?  Do you inter-resonate with it all the time?  And does its existence require the existence of the You in a physical body?  Does it continue to exist in space-time like those broadcasts of I Love Lucy?  And if so, does it continue to self-organize with new emergent behaviors just the way your littler dynamic system of consciousness does down here on chapter 11 of the DVD of space-time?   

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