Thursday, January 10, 2013

On science and a concept of God

Werner Heisenberg (a father of QM) said, "The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist. But at the bottom of the glass, God is waiting for you."
A couple years ago, a colleague and I were both atheists. But then, because of the physics we started working on, we came to understand that there exist higher systems of information/intelligence beyond the human brain. One example is a flow pattern that is computationally sentient and that runs across your "selves" over a long period of time. By "selves" I mean that version of You at seven years old that is so different than the You at your current age; you might as well call them different people in some sense. Einstein blew the scientific community's mind by showing that the future exists now, concurrent with the present. And so does the past. This seems weird and sci-fi, but it has been proven through various physical experiments. We also know from quantum mechanics and countless physical experiments that reality is a tangled network of hidden non-local connections. That means things are connected across space and time. That's a piece of the puzzle not totally understood through a unification theory yet because no satisfactory one exists. We just have thousands of experiments showing that non-locality across space and time is how reality is built.
Now imagine a flow of information that runs across the packet of information known as You at your current age (40 for this example), and the You at 40 and 1 day, etc -- all moments across space and time since you were born. This idea is a fact of Einsteinian space/time -- the eternally existing You's at age 7, etc. The theory that they are related non-locally across spacetime is allowed by quantum mechanics. So long story short, imagine an "uber-mind" or self that computes and exists across this system of Yous. Now imagine one that computes within your family, but across time. Now imagine one that computes in larger groups, such as the human species across all of time including the deep future.
Yes, very far out stuff. But the reason that this sort of thinking is necessary in our physics theory is because of the problem that if reality is purely informational, a view held by a growing number of elite scientists, then, by definition, there must be a universal computational system to "think" it or compute it, if you will. You can't have information without a computer or mind. So our idea of a god is not like a humanized idea of god. It's more like a sort of Eastern type of god that's like a flow of computation/observation/change/energy within nature. It attains sentience, but not the sort that we're thinking of. It's more like a giant mind that can be visualized by this: Imagine talking to 7 billion people at the same time. Now imagine being them or experiencing them at the same time. Now, which one is you? 'You' is now so small. Now imagine a group mind computing across and within all of them -- this neural network described in the last few sentences. Now, be that mind. Now compare that mind to the normal 'you'. This is where a duality exists, where in order to have the big collective thing, we need individual behavior to add to the picture like pieces of a mosaic -- the free will creative neurons, so to speak. But any individual can switch-hit and experience the higher collective levels of computational awareness as well.

1 comment:

  1. So, what you're saying is that there is a you that exists in countless parallel universe's, concurrently at every moment in time, throughout the lifespan of that particular You? Say a couple of billion You's...What happens at the bodily death of a particular You?...Is it's consciousness disconnected from the "Computational Conciousness"...Or does the body/soul unity make any difference whatsoever?...How exactly, does one of them "switch hit" and experience this "higher level of collective computational consciousness"?...Do the rest of the concurrent You's experience this as well? And lastly. What or who is the author of all of this information needed for the universe or computational consciousness to exist in the first place?
